The Tim & Mark Show was an American radio show hosted by Tim Scott and Mark Derringer. Their show aired on 93.3 KDKB in Phoenix, Arizona from March 6, 1989 to January 11, 2005. The show was produced by Scott "Torgy" Torgerson.
Prior to coming to Phoenix, they were hosts of a morning show in Baltimore, Maryland.
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The shows usually ran from 5:30am–10:00am and consisted of classic rock music, guest interviews, prank calls, discussions with call-in listeners, and clips from various comedians. Popular segments included:
Each show ended with "You've been listening to Tim & Mark Show Number __" with the number of the show given.
According to Chuck Artigue, vice president and general manager for KDKB, Tim Scott elected to retire from radio to pursue other interests. In an Arizona Republic article, Tim Scott was quoted as saying he didn't feel he could be the Christian he wanted to be while doing a rock and roll show.
The duo did their final show on Friday, December 24, 2004 before leaving for vacation. They returned on January 11, 2005 to host a "good bye" show in which they thanked their listeners for "14 great years".
"Tim & Mark Charities" was formed in 1997 and raised more than $300,000 for individuals, families and organizations that provide service for children.